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I wish I'd found this game during the jam. Good play on classic memes, genuinely fun gameplay, and amazing art. Great work from your entire team.

I didn't get to play this one during the jam, but I wish I had, this is super fun, fits with the theme, constantly keeps the player engaged with the fire spreading and the ever dwindling life bars... I regret not being able to contribute to that deserved high rating!

this is the greatest thing that my eyes have seen (ever) (ever) (ever)



Thanks for the video, it helps me a lot :p !

haha, nicely done. I like the fact that you adjust the music with the game pace. 

It's funny where you used the memes to create the story, graphics, and mecanic.

Though the pulling and kicking is alittle confuzing.

Fun game! The graphics and idea are very creative!

THIS Game is awesome! I love the mix up of the 2 different memes. GREAT JOB!